Saturday, August 21, 2010

so this is what 3AM looks like...

Blueberry spritzer shake! YUM!
I have to apologize to all of my adoring followers who have been gazing longingly at their computer screens waiting to see a glimmer of life from my blog or facebook account. I haven't had internet since Thursday night and have been completely out of the technological loop. I don't know how we survived before Facebook, I'm lucky I found anybody! (Odd side note that Jason brought up the other day, how boring would "Dazed and Confused" have been if they had Facebook?!)

So... Days 3 and 4 have brought some entertaining challenges and victories. Lessons 1-5, don't take energizing pills late in the day. Or do, I guess, If you have always wondered what 3AM looks like through the eyes of a tired body and crazed mind... Last night I took all of my vitamins (including the don't take after 3pm one) with dinner because I was going to see a band. BAD NEWS BEARS! It was entertaining up until about 11PM, but after that my body decided it didn't agree with my mind about the whole being awake situation.

Also, if a bottle says to take it with food, don't take it while you're thinking about food, wait until you're actually eating it. I knew that we were going to eat lunch at Molly Malones, so I took my lunch pills before we left the house so I wouldn't have to carry them with me. Oops... By the time we got to the restaurant I realized that I had made a mistake and had to beg Penny (favorite waitress, ever) to bring me some crackers so I could get some life back. But then the crackers started to fill me up so when my lunch came all I barely ate any of it!

I have to say I have been making some D LISH ISH smoothies. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I love frozen blueberries! I just figured out that my blender likes it much better if I don't use ice, so for lunch today I am enjoying frozen pineapple, frozen blueberries, apple juice, and a splash of cranberry juice. YUM! I accidentally fell asleep for a few hours today so I'm just getting to lunch, but I am most definitely enjoying it! I did a frozen blueberry spritzer for breakfast so I get to eat a full dinner tonight :)

That reminds me, I was so good yesterday. Since we ate lunch at Molly's I knew I had a shake in my future for dinner, but Jason and Erica decided to grill. What did I do? I made my shake at home and brought it with me. It was the first time I'd had my shake meal while I could smell the other food, but it was fine. I didn't steal a single bite. And the dogs didn't bother me because I wasn't eating grilled chicken.

I haven't quite decided what to do about my 3rd energizer pill since I took my lunch one at 3... I don't really want to see 3AM again. Last night was entertaining, but sleeping all day today has been pretty boring. So, here's hoping the rest of today goes smoothly.