I am feeling completely exhausted today. My feet hurt from running around decorating for the birthday party at Coral World today. It's really cute, I did a pretty good job. Every time I have a party I buy a stuffed animal from the gift shop because they make great decorations, and I have some stiff paper fish that can be taped up around the Blue Water Terrace. I wish I had more decorations than this, but I really don't have enough parties here to have enough of a budget to buy anything else. This morning I went to KMart and spent $40 on candy, small toys, and clown fish that are meant to go in your bathtub to reduce slipping but work great for the food table decorations. I then decorated the area from 9AM to 10:45, right before the party arrived. For pretty much the duration of the 3 hour party I was running back and forth between my office and the party making sure everyone was happy. Finally at 2:15 (15 minutes after the party was over) I went down to clean up. I was overjoyed to see that they had cleaned the area, but unfortunately my decorations also got cleaned out. I feel awful and I definitely wouldn't try to charge them for it, but now I have to restock my decoration supply, with very little money available in the birthday area, and I have to explain why I didn't stop them from taking it. Ugh, it's just exhausting. I wonder how bigger aquariums handle decorations. Do they have enough money not to worry about "stolen" decorations? The answer may be unreachable to me, but still I wonder...
So, that's why I'm completely exhausted. But luckily I have a delicious Premium French Soda, Pomegranate, Organic, in a beautiful glass that Jason got me at lunch. Yay.